Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Dull.. but interesting

07/01/09 - Second post of this year and i am a lot happier with these photographs. After a little while at college seeing folks and chatting to lecturers me and Tom headed out to Beecraigs country park to make the most of the mist. We both generally enjoyed shooting in the cold dull sunless conditions and felt like we were getting images not too dis-similar to Michael Kenna, a favourite photographer of mine.

I was shooting using a tripod of course, using a Cokin ( me and tom had a good laugh at the name) Graduated Density filter to keep the sky from burning out. It was a brilliant filter and i really see the benefit to using it as it creates a more even exposure.

I spent a bit of time turning the flat dull images into black and white photographs using my extended photoshop editing tools and managed to get results that i am very happy with.

Like my last upload i am hoping to use these image as part of my composition project, and failing that i might use a few in my portfolio. On some of the photographs i added a slight warm tone after desaturating the images.

I couldn't decide which crop i preferred so i included both.

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